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Wintec Industries

Wintec Industries是一家总部位于美国加利福尼亚州的公司,成立于1988年。该公司是一家全球领先的计算机存储设备制造商,专注于生产高品质的内存模块、闪存卡、USB驱动器和固态硬盘等产品。 Wintec Industries的产品广泛应用于个人电脑、服务器、工作站、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、智能手机、数码相机、游戏机等各种设备。该公司的产品以其高品质、高性能和可靠性而闻名,深受全球用户的信赖和好评。 Wintec Industries拥有一支专业的研发团队,不断推出新产品和技术,以满足不断变化的市场需求。该公司还拥有一套完善的质量管理体系,确保产品的质量和性能达到最高标准。 除了在美国加利福尼亚州设有总部外,Wintec Industries还在中国、台湾、日本、欧洲等地设有分支机构和办事处,以便更好地服务全球客户。 总之,Wintec Industries是一家专注于计算机存储设备制造的领先企业,以其高品质、高性能和可靠性的产品而闻名于世界。该公司将继续致力于研发和生产更好的产品,为全球用户提供更好的服务。

image of SLM2434 Wintec Industries - Bulk IC MODEM V.32 33.6KBPS 市价
image of SLM2457 Wintec Industries - Bulk IC MODEM V.90 56KBPS 市价
image of SL2434SU Wintec Industries - Bulk IC MODEM V.34 33.6KBPS 市价
image of SL2457SU Wintec Industries - Bulk IC MODEM V.90 56KBPS 市价

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Wintec Industries, Inc. is a leading ISO 9001 manufacturer of DRAM memory modules, Flash memory products, embedded modems and a value-added supplier of computer products and wireless peripherals. Wintec offers an extensive line of high-quality and leading-edge-technology memory modules and customized memory solutions for telecom, networking, computing, gaming, industrial and medical applications. Wintec works to improve your technology world. Our services and technology products make your personal and work life better. Our company designs products and services that increase your enjoyment, improve your workflow, and make you more efficient. We’re built upon a culture of hard work, opportunity creation, and delivery of our commitments. Proudly recognized as a global diversity company, we continually strive to be a leader in innovative business practices as well as a responsible member of our global community and our environment.
Wintec Industries
Interface - Modems - ICs and Modules
Wintec Industries
Interface - Modems - ICs and Modules
Wintec Industries
Interface - Modems - ICs and Modules
Wintec Industries
Interface - Modems - ICs and Modules

(+86) 755-8257-9923
